Our whipped shea butters are handmade with love. Available in about 20 different fragrances. The smell is long lasting and other people will usually take notice and ask about the amazing aromas. Also available in Men’s fragrances. Ingrediencies include yellow shea butter, grape seed oil, fragrance oil, vitamin E and corn starch.

We add in ingrediencies, key techniques and hand-whip to perfection creating a butter which smells amazing and leaves skin feeling soft and lustrous. Also available in unscented whip in which we use ivory raw shea to make. Unscented whipped butter is excellent for face and sensitive areas of the skin. Whipped butters can also be used in the hair to add moisture. It is a must have!

Whipped shea butter usage- use a small dime size amount in palm of hand and rub together to spread over the body. Beware of extreme heat as it will melt body butters. Store at room temperature. Consult a physician if any nut allergies.


Baby Powder, Barack Obama Type, Clean Cotton, Coconut Lime Verbana, Cool Water(M), D&G(W), Downy, Gain, Ginger Lime, Honey rain, lavender Flowers, Lemon, Linen Breeze, Love Spell, Mango papaya, Michelle Obama type, Pink Sugar, Unscented, Vanilla Sandalwood, Warm Vanilla Sugar


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